Moving on...
As many of you know, I have been absent from the Sims community, on many sites, for quite some time.
I feel it is time to move on from The Sims, and pursue other dreams that I have. This includes college. In August, I will be moving away from home and will be going to a 2-year graphic design school in Des Moines, Iowa. After graduation from college, I hope to do some internships and summer moves to New York City, and hopefully one day move there.
You can always contact me by email:, or...
I'm almost always on TSR's live chatroom in these room: #sims
I will never forget some of the people that I met here through TSR, and online, and I will miss you all. I may check TSR's forums from time to time, but not like I have been doing in the past.
Talk to you all soon and take care,
Benny Boy (Ben)